Web Design Trends That Won’t Ever Go Out of Style

Web Design Trends That Won’t Ever Go Out of Style

Every year new trends hit the markets. There are new layouts, colors, and other pieces that appear to improve what was used the year before. Most of these are great and useful, but instead of redesigning your site every year, there are some web design trends to use that will never go out of style.

These web design trends have visual elements that will elevate your web design, and streamline user experiences. Your visitors will have a lasting impression when viewing your site as these trends with their visual embellishments will create a site for you that makes an impact.

1. Designs that are Mobile-Friendly

The World Advertising Research Center has predicted more than seventy percent of people will access the internet solely through their smartphones. Mobile-friendly design is not going anywhere, so making your website functional on smartphones is now essential. When creating your professional-looking website, you need to take a mobile-first approach to your design.

These are some of the key principles to keep in mind when enhancing your site to be mobile-friendly:

  • Size of your font- Some feel they have to increase the size of their font when creating mobile-friendly text, but this can lead to some of your text getting cut off. Because the screens are narrower on smartphones, you should downsize your headers so they cater to these screens. Using smaller icons works much better than large images as these too will fit the mobile screen much easier.
  • Typography– Typography needs to be legible and clear. It is suggested you use PT Sans, Merriweather, or Oswald when creating your mobile-friendly site.
  • Navigation– The other consideration for mobile-friendly sites is your navigation options. You always want your viewers to take action, but the use of tiny arrows, buttons, and menu bars makes this difficult on smartphones. Swiping and scrolling are an instinct for most mobile users. Incorporate these into your site to make the experience seamless and more streamlined.

2. Elements that are Animated

When creating mobile-friendly designs, you want to remember that bigger is not always better. With smartphones, it is more productive to use smaller, integrated animations. These work great to make user experiences more interactive and do not compromise your site’s load speed.

There are a lot of different approaches to incorporating animation into your web design. Some use particle backgrounds that add motion to a site in a visually appealing way, others use character illustrations to bring users’ attention to their story. You can also use integrated animation through elements, such as scrolling, navigation, or loading. Any of these ideas will make a dull website into more fun and interactive experience for your viewers.

3. Colorful Gradients

In the ’90s colorful gradients were a big hit. They made a comeback in 2018 and it appears they are here to stay. Gradients are a gradual transition from one color to another to create a blending effect. The add a pop of color to your site in a manner that is not overpowering. They also give your site an extra visual depth as they are dynamic and multi-dimensional.

4. Use Negative Space

With web design, it can be about what you don’t include as much as what you do. Negative space is a web design trend that will not go out of style. White space or negative space is unused or empty space on your site.

Empty spaces on your site will create a visually tidy and appealing look to your website. It gives the users a sense of having room to breathe as they are not being overloaded with information. These spaces also create a seamless experience for users as they explore your site. By using negative space properly, you can direct your user’s attention to where you want it to go.

Web design trends come and go just like any other market, but these are just a few that here are to stay. If you want to learn more about trends that will never go out of style, check with your local web design services and learn from the experts how to create the best possible website for your business.

Where to Learn More About Web Design Trends

Silicon Beach Web is your expert in web design services. Our web design services range from branding, consultations, web design, and an array of other services that will refine your online customer experience. Contact us today and let us show you how we can breathe life back into your online marketing strategy.